Company Overview

Immediately after clubhouses around the world had to shut their doors and go virtual, we recognized that the global community needed a way to share innovations and lessons learned with each other.  Out of that need, Clubhouse International, Clubhouse Europe and Fountain House partnered together to create the WANA Webinar Series.  We named it WANA as a nod to our history, but also to remind clubhouses and their members that We Are Not Alone.  We know that even during these troubling times, we will grow stronger together.  Please take a moment to review the list of the 13 webinars we have already produced and get on our mailing list to receive information about the future topics we have planned.  Our next webinar will be on October 21st at 10am (EDT) and will focus on building and leveraging coalitions.    We want to hear from you on topics that you are interested in exploring for 2021.  Please email if you have a topic you think would be a good fit for the WANA Webinar Series.  Somebody from our team will get back to you to discuss further.  We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you have found the webinars helpful.

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